What They Said

“This class was an exercise in both reading and writing. 100 pages feel unbelievably long when you start (and when you’re finished!) but the feedback, collaboration, and camaraderie of the course are well worth the effort. Any writer, at any stage of their career, will find the class enlightening. I would recommend this course to anyone with an idea for a story, book, or research project without hesitation!”


—Nicole Terrien, associate producer, Black Holes: The Edge of All We Know

“I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is trying to enhance their writing skills, or who is looking for a supportive community of fellow writers to help keep them on track.”


—Reilly Stevens

“After a decade of writing in isolation, I realized I couldn't improve by myself anymore. This class provided the community and expertise that I’d been missing for years, and showed me how to take my stories to the next level. It gave me insights and skills that I never could have found on my own.”


—Aberdeen Taylor

“I will carry what I learned in Leigh’s class throughout my creative writing career. Beyond improving my writing skills and learning the best storytelling techniques, through that class, I realized that I am capable of writing a book—one that is a joy to write and read.”


—Michelle Jalbert

“Taking this course was the best thing I’ve done as a writer, and one of the best things I’ve done personally. Whether you’re in editing, publishing, write full-time, or simply wish to challenge yourself to get your words on paper, you’ll grow immensely here.”


—Kaleigh Constantine

“Enrolling in this course was the best decision I ever made to broaden my writing skills. Expert mentorship and a constructive peer review environment equipped me with the concrete toolkit I needed to plan, execute, and iteratively improve upon a novel from end to end, something I couldn't have dreamed of doing before I took this class.”


—Alexa Lecko

“Taking this course has absolutely helped me grow as a writer. The feedback and guidance I received from Professor Grossman and my classmates allowed me to shape an idea into a full-fledged story, which was something I struggled with on my own in the past. This course is an excellent place to cultivate your writing skills, and I would recommend it to every aspiring author.”


—Jordan Shaw

“Leigh’s support and guidance were instrumental in shaping my story to be the best it could be. If you’re looking for a small community of writers and an expert teacher to push your writing to the next level, I can’t recommend this class enough!”


—Rae Bowman

“This course was one of the most educational writing classes I have ever taken, and the one that resulted in my most significant growth as a writer.”


—Chris Dangman

“If you ever wanted to start a story, but don't know where to start, Leigh might be the right teacher for you. He'll help you turn an idea into your own personal masterpiece through constant feedback, editing, and peer reviewing. The main focus will be to shape your vision into a short story or novel, but what you'll gain more than anything are solid writing skills that will help you succeed in life.”


—Jacob Rastegar

“Before this course, I had never really shared my writing with anyone else, and the thought of receiving critiques was so daunting I hesitated to enroll. I am so grateful that I stepped out of my comfort zone. My experience in Leigh’s class didn’t just build my confidence in giving and receiving constructive criticism; it showed me how vital it can be to get that kind of feedback from other writers. The perspectives I gained through this class challenged me to enhance my writing in ways I couldn’t imagine.”


—Katie Robson

“I took Leigh’s course by accident. I thought we were learning how to craft business emails and it turned out that I was very, very wrong. Book-writing was never on my radar until Leigh convinced me to stay in the class and try my hand at it. Needless to say, I was very nervous—writing 100 pages of a novel I had never thought about before was pretty daunting. But now I can look back and say that I am so grateful that I stayed in the class. The 100 pages I wrote of my book, Wildfire, is something I am beyond proud of and Leigh’s class seriously put book-writing on my radar for the first time ever. I now love creative writing more than I ever have before and I’m no longer afraid to stray from the conventional five-paragraph essay! Take this class, you won’t regret it.”


—Mary Zaborowski

“I am so happy that I stuck with this class and didn't bail out, despite my nervousness about being able to write 100 pages. This class turned out to be one of the best things that have happened to me within the past few years…. I learned more in your class this semester than I have in any other class, along with getting the inspiration that I needed to persevere through and finish telling my story that I kept inside for the last 8 years.”


—Brianna Kraynak

“As an engineer, technical and long-form writing are critical skills. Professor Grossman's instruction and critique of my work were instrumental in making me the technical writer I am today. Due in part to the lessons he had instilled in me, I now have several procedural and process works published internally to companies in countries around the world. He truly cares about his students and their work, and you will not regret taking a course with him.”


—Daniel Desjardin

“It benefited me immensely, maybe one of the most impactful classes I took. The style of the class—where our peers would read and critique our work (terrifying to a shy person like I was)—helped give me the confidence needed (and thick skin needed) pretty much every day in the corporate world.”


—Benjamin Levasseur

“The information and life skills that I gained from Professor Grossmans' class were, without a doubt, the most useful that I gained from my college experience. From the skills needed to balance a life of creativity and authorship with day-to-day life; as well as the tools that they simply do not teach you anywhere else to help you finish that novel that just can't seem to find its way to the page. This class was the most beneficial use of my time that gave me skills I still employ today, including editing while not giving up! The peer review alone gave me insights into editing that I have not come across elsewhere, and the atmosphere of working in a group was exactly what I needed. Before his class, I wanted to write, but his knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm gave me the legs to want to become an author.”


—Cliff Saccoccio

“This class was more important to my success in writing than any of my other academic experiences.”


—Cam DeBrusk

“Leigh is an accomplished writer and editor, with experience in the publishing industry. He is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to write and publish. He has a wealth of information that even experienced writers can benefit from, and he is a tremendously kind and patient teacher as well. He gave me the confidence to start writing my novel, and with his help, I hope to finish soon.”


—Paul Schipul

“This is the most influential class I’ve ever taken. It helped me break out of my shell and work with other writers.”


—Brandon Marquis

“I wanted to thank you for all of the knowledge, advice, and lessons learned. I wouldn't be able to do this if not for what I learned from you."


—Trevor Fernandes-Lienkiewicz, author of Area 51: The Helix Project

“The experience of practiced and critiqued writing with Leigh was one of the most impactful classes I have ever taken. Even ten years after taking this class, including graduating with a master’s degree, no class has given me better skills or confidence.”


—Therese Hervieux

“I’ve had the great pleasure to work with Leigh Grossman in developing a novel/film project from inception of the idea, through publication of the book and marketing it in Hollywood. Leigh's creative instincts and knowledge of the publishing industry were extremely impressive. He supervised the writing of the novel and dealt with the publishing company. He was a consummate professional, and was the driving force behind the success of the project. He respects and understands writers, and the complexities of both the creative and business aspects of writing and publishing.”

—Pamela Wallace, Acainning screenwriter, producer, and award-winning novelist

“I joined the class in 2021 and it is still a part of my life every day years later. Unleash The Book’s community helped me find my love for writing again and I can’t be thankful enough for that.”


—Brandon Marquis

“Your course gave my writing the direction it needed to actually feel like a complete and well-written project. The feedback and in-class work and close-knit peer community are still elements that I miss very much to this day! Your writing course helped me tremendously and when I’m writing I still actively apply lessons and tips I learned while in your writing course to projects I’m presently working on!”

—Courtney Haigler

“Not only do I remember your course fondly, but the expressive nature of our expository class played a big hand in shaping the development of a much less decisive (and let’s face it, mature) Gabe. I think it was fundamental in propelling me towards medicine because you allowed me to explore and pushed me to research my grandmother’s final years living with Alzheimer's. You put time into me and my work. It was evident that you really care about your students and their success. You taught me where to find my literary voice and how to refine my writing style. I can almost still hear you telling me that I should only focus on details that propel the narrative. Many med school applications (with very restrictive word counts) later, I can definitively credit you with my ability to write expressive essays. I’m sorry if I never thanked you for that. You should know that you made a huge difference to my education and it still means the world to me.”


—Gabe Pertierra

“This class was invaluable in teaching me the principles of conceptual editing and revision, and giving me the tools to diagnose and fix slippery problems in my work... Easily the most helpful course I’ve ever had.”

—Thomas Praisner

“Taking this writing class helped me learn how to critique other writers, which in turn helped me to understand my own writing process better. I went from thinking I don’t know if I could write 100 pages, to finishing the first draft of a novel.”


—Lara Scalzi Meek

“This course is the first time my writing ambitions were realized. Before I knew it, I had over 100 pages written. Leigh Grossman always provided thoughtful and personal feedback. His class introduced me to like-minded writers, and gave me the space to develop my craft.”


—Ryan McLean

“I loved Leigh’s writing class. He was able to get to the heart of what I meant and help me focus my writing to convey my point in a more compelling way. I was nervous to get feedback and be vulnerable with my writing. Leigh made me feel more comfortable receiving feedback, and guided rather than corrected when he helped me.” 


—Jessica Culligan

 "The discount for returning writers makes this an extremely affordable program. It also allows you to return to your work as often as your schedule allows without breaking the bank. The partnership with ShopPay even allows you to pay over time which brings the cost down to what most pay for a high-end streaming service, depending on the plan you choose. It is the best way to keep writing with a great group of editors without breaking your wallet."


—Cliff Saccoccio

“I’ve been a part of the Unleash The Book community for over a year, and look forward to meeting with this group of talented and incredibly diverse individuals every Monday. The consistent care and excitement that everyone develops for each other’s projects made me want to write something better every week. This group gave me the perspective to take my manuscript to the next level.”


—Aberdeen Taylor

 “Leigh’s experience in the publishing industry combined with his eye for what makes a story interesting was invaluable to me as a young writer. His course on creative writing gave me the confidence and direction I needed to tell a story that was at once personal and engaging.”


—Andrew Fiouzi

"Leigh, thank you for all of your work on my book!"


—Heather Monahan, author of Overcoming Your Villains

“Taking Professor Grossman's writing class was a great introduction into learning what it takes to write a full novel. The writing part of the class is intensive, but those who take this class and stick with it will gain the discipline it takes to develop their ideas and learn how to give and take effective criticism on their work and the work of others. You will be amazed at what you've achieved by the end of the class.”


—Jacob Miller

“I appreciate beyond measure the time you have put into this project… I so appreciate your time and care with my book and the content!"


—Sheila Kilbane, author of Healthy Kids, Happy Moms

“[Leigh’s course] helped me to grow as a writer, taught me it was possible to write 100 pages of fiction, and the peer review process helped me build my editing skills as well. Leigh is an excellent teacher, and I recommend that anyone with an interest in learning long-form writing give his class a chance.” 


—Emily Raymond

“Before I met Leigh Grossman, I had an idea for a book. But, I had no idea how to write it. And, I wasn’t sure that I had the stamina to finish it. Then I took his writing course. By the end, I had a finished book and an introduction to a literary agent. Now, 10+ years later, I still draw on lessons from that class. I highly recommend it to anyone ready to unleash their inner writer.”


—Greta Schiebel

“Writing a novel has been on my bucket list since I was 6—before I even knew what a bucket list meant. I had the fortunate opportunity to be mentored by Leigh Grossman my senior year of college in his extensive writing course. Without the positive feedback, hands-on guidance, and supportive workshop setting I would still be staring at a blank Word document and adding “write a novel” to my yearly New Year’s resolution. Being able to bounce ideas and find a path forward when characters found themselves in dead ends made writing 100 pages of fiction in a semester not only enjoyable but manageable. Leigh has years of experience and knowledge to impart; even when he equates your dream of being in the writing/publishing world to stomping on puppies (pulling off a band-aid would be too kind an analogy), his presence and energy encourage you to continue on that arduous path. If you’re looking to start your writing journey or need route guidance along the way, I cannot say enough kind words about Leigh and his writing courses. You’ll walk away from it as a stronger writer, more confident in your own abilities, and have a mentor for life."


—Katie Feaver Hausmann

“Leigh Grossman’s creative writing course was one of the most fulfilling experiences I have had. The course challenged me in ways no other ever did, and it pushed me to be a dramatically better writer. I accomplished things I had always wanted to do, but never thought I was capable of actually doing!”


—Josh Fairchild

“This intensive course took my writing, editing, and critiquing skills to the next level and taught me more about long-form writing than any other class. It provided me with the determination to not only develop a plan for the YA novel I’d been sitting on for years, but to breathe new life into my story and take it in a different direction through extensive rewriting which resulted in a polished beginning and middle to my novel and a clear goal for its ending.”


—Kaitlyn Sparta

 “I can’t say when exactly it happened, but somewhere along the line I realized just how much this class has improved my ability to write, review, and edit; and I have you to thank for that!”


—Benjamin Martin

 “The format of Leigh’s class gave me a way to put into words what it was like to have an eating disorder. I wrote over seventy pages about my most painful experience which empowered me in ways I couldn’t have imagined.” 


—Erin Smith

“When you are a novice writer like myself, it can be intimidating to offer your writing up for critique. When I took Professor Grossman’s class, I found it a welcoming environment where I was unafraid to make mistakes and eager to find new perspectives to help strengthen my writing.”


—Arthur Nowell III

“It was a class I didn’t know I would love. I’d never written a story and you allowed me to expand on my original thought without changing it. It was super helpful for a first time writer and ended up being one of my most memorable classes. I still tell stories of that class to my friends and family.” 


—Jon Borges

“This course was easily the most memorable class I took at UConn. It was challenging—very challenging—but it made me think differently and undoubtedly made me a better writer and a better thinker, skills that have benefited me throughout my career. I took this course as a Junior undergraduate business major, so it was well outside of my comfort zone and beyond any graduation requirements. But challenging myself in this way and exploring other areas might have been the most valuable experience I had in college because it helped open my mind to new experiences, think with a broader perspective, and believe in my ability to accomplish anything I set out to accomplish. As I’ve grown in my career, the technical skills matter less and the mindset matters more—and I still believe that this course helped frame my mindset more than just about any other (Abnormal Psychology and Game Theory of Economics are the two closest competitors, if you're wondering). Professor Grossman was a fantastic instructor throughout that journey, and I would highly recommend this class for anyone willing to challenge themselves in a way that will reward them for years to come.”


—David Rader

“Prof. Grossman’s long-form writing course at UConn was—by far—my favorite during the entirety of my academic studies (undergrad or graduate). His instruction made me not only believe in the power of story as an abstract academic concept, but as a real professional pursuit that I could achieve in the working world. Applying the framework experienced writers use in their craft, from structure to character development to deadline management, we were able to dip into the “tools of the trade” that make a writer’s craft seem like a mystical, unattainable pursuit. To this day, I apply those narrative and structural principles daily in my career as a journalist and professional storyteller.”

—John Kapetaneas

“Through the semester Leigh gave some of the most helpful advice I have ever received, and the class critiques offered great insight into what could improve the book for prospective readers. This course is a must for anyone looking to bring out the most in their writing.”


—Sean Hanrahan

“For me, the most helpful part of the class was the honest critiques because they actually helped me to improve my writing. I remember that the suggestions helped so much that my writing improved even in my other classes.”


—Myra Lopez

“I took a version of Leigh’s course Unleash The Book at the University of Connecticut and it opened my eyes to book writing! Going through this course gave me a realistic road map to writing a book; something I had always wanted to do, but seemed to be a daunting task. After taking the course in my senior year, it gave me a new perspective on how writing a book was not out of reach, it would simply take consistency and patience. Professor Grossman was great at keeping the class on a schedule and informed on the timeline of when we would need to have writing prepared for review. The review of other students in the class was also incredibly helpful! Professor Grossman’s structure of providing opportunities to both give and receive detailed feedback was what really allowed us to get more in-depth with our analysis of not only our own writing, but also what structurally makes a book sound and digestible for the audience.”

—Reilly Stevens