12-Week Course Syllabus


· Each student receives a complimentary individual 30-minute Zoom conference before the class starts, during which Leigh will personally help you set specific goals for the course and talk about what you’ll be writing.

· Plan on writing about 2 pages a day while the course is in session, and turning in about 10 pages a week.

· The material you turn in will be discussed in conferences and at the workshops, during which you will learn the detailed process of editing.

· Each session will start with a talk on a specific topic focused on the needs (and strengths) of the group.

· Bring your ideas and enthusiasm! The more you bring, the more we can work with you to make your ideas come to life and make your work great!

Individual focus: Jump right back into workshopping and sprint through the rest of your book. Each class, several pieces will receive insightful feedback from fellow writers. Feedback will conclude with a longer, in-depth critique from Leigh. During weeks when your piece is critiqued, you'll also schedule a conference with Leigh outside of class at a convenient time in the afternoon or evening. 

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