Accelerate Your Writing

(without sacrificing your life)

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"Leigh, thank you for all of your work on my book!"

Heather Monahan, author of Overcoming Your Villains

“I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is trying to enhance their writing skills, or who is looking for a supportive community of fellow writers to help keep them on track.”

Reilly Stevens

“Taking this course was the best thing I’ve done as a writer, and one of the best things I’ve done personally. Whether you’re in editing, publishing, write full-time, or simply wish to challenge yourself to get your words on paper, you’ll grow immensely here.”

Kaleigh Constantine

"I appreciate beyond measure the time you have put into this project… I so appreciate your time and care with my book and the content!"

Sheila Kilbane, author of Healthy Kids, Happy Moms

“After a decade of writing in isolation, I realized I couldn't improve by myself anymore. This class provided the community and expertise that I’d been missing for years, and showed me how to take my stories to the next level. It gave me insights and skills that I never could have found on my own.”

Aberdeen Taylor

Unleash The Book

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Level One: Start the Book (Five Week Course)

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“I've had the great pleasure to work with Leigh Grossman in developing a novel/film project from inception of the idea, through publication of the book and marketing it in Hollywood. Leigh's creative instincts and knowledge of the publishing industry were extremely impressive. He supervised the writing of the novel and dealt with the publishing company. He was a consummate professional, and was the driving force behind the success of the project. He respects and understands writers, and the complexities of both the creative and business aspects of writing and publishing.”

Pamela Wallace, Academy Award winning screenwriter, producer, and award-winning novelist

Level Two: Conquer the Book (Twelve Week Course)

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Level Up with a Pro!

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"I will help you build on your strengths as a writer—not try to make you into the kind of writer I am. My goal is to inspire you to dramatically improve the kind of writer YOU are."

Leigh Grossman

How Do We Do It?


"I wanted to thank you for all of the knowledge, advice, and lessons learned. I wouldn't be able to do this if not for what I learned from you."

Trevor Fernandes-Lienkiewicz, author of Area 51: The Helix Project

Like a Gym Membership (for the Writing Part of Your Life)

Returning Writers

"I am so happy that I stuck with this class and didn't bail out, despite my nervousness about being able to write 100 pages. This class turned out to be one of the best things that has happened to me within the past few years… I learned more in your class this semester than I have in any other class, along with getting the inspiration that I needed to persevere through and finish telling my story that I kept inside for the last 8 years."

Brianna Kraynak

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